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Oh, how I’ve missed you!!!

And yes, I’m obviously very much alive.

Blog hiatus, you ask?  Well……..not intentionally.  It’s been a busy last few weeks!  My real job has been busy.  Still settling into our new home has been busy.  Planning and hosting some parties has been busy.  Attending wedding showers and parties has been busy.  Busy doesn’t mean bad, though.  I’m weird that way and I absolutely LOVE being busy (most of the time).  So these past few weeks also entailed fun, quality time with important people, lots of photos, and plenty to share with you all.  Actually, if I think of it that way, I’ve spent the last few weeks stock-piling blog posts.  Just call it a brief research excursion.  You know, for the blog.

What exactly happened?  Well, let’s see…

There was some intense gardening that happened:
ImageLoving our English garden-styled landscaping at the new home!

And we took a break or two to enjoy the garden and our new outdoor spaces:Image


I threw a Bird’s Nest themed baby shower.  How “tweet” it was!
This wreath, complete with yarn letter and felt birdies, was the perfect way to greet guests…and a sweet take-home gift for the momma-to-be!

We had plenty of festivities for my brother’s upcoming wedding:Image



Wine and cheese was randomly enjoyed, per the usual around my house:ImageDrunken Goat Cheese from Whole Foods.  It’s been soaked in red wine so it naturally pairs well with…more read wine.  Be still my heart.

My real job included some amazing moments:ImageCancer Survivors at one of my Relay For Life events

I made this pan of OH-MY-GOODNESS-I-WANT-TO-EAT-THIS-FOREVER deliciousness…ImageIt’s Polenta Lasagna and you betcha that I’m sharing this recipe with you!

And – oh yeah – did I mention that among all this was my GOLDEN BIRTHDAY?  That’s right, I turned 28 on the 28th and we celebrated with plenty of gold to go around!  In the form of balloons, compliments of my sweet hubby:Image

Flowers, compliments of my sweet best friend:

And cupcakes, again from the best friend a girl could ask for:


And now I’m back, older and wiser:)

Hospitably Yours,