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Part deux of Lesley’s 30th birthday at the bay (that French is for you, Les!) is all about wine.
IMG_5442IMG_5452And perhaps we drank too much?
IMG_5474No, never!

We spent a full day winery hopping across the North Fork of Long Island, so snacks were a must have.  It just so happened we spent the morning on a lovely little town street with a cheese shop and sweet shop, so we stocked up in advance.

Sidenote:  Who is “we”?  Here’s the whole crew:

Packing snacks for a day at wineries was much like my life advice for traveling on trains in Europe.  Always take: wine, cheese, chocolate, and a baguette when you travel via train.  You will not regret this advice, I swear!

As it turns out, our spread for the wineries was pretty similar.  Minus the wine, which was being well supplied.
IMG_5455As with most cheese platters, we stuck to a formula.  One hard cheese.  One soft cheese.  One spreadable cheese.  And one “exotic” cheese – something a bit different.  We also made sure to have a baguette, some crostinis, and crackers.  And we bought some delicious pâté.

For the sweets, dark chocolates and sea salted caramel chocolates accompanied the red wines ever-so-perfectly.

During our winery hopping, we frequented Jason’s Vineyard, Osprey’s Dominion Vineyards, and Corey Creek Vineyards.  Each vineyard was unique with some sort of superiority of our experience (i.e. a better atmosphere here, a better view there) but Corey Creek Vineyards (with wines bottled under the Bedell Cellars label) took the cheese cake.  The tastings were outstanding and I went home with a couple bottles in tow.

North Fork is sprinkled with vineyards, which have cropped up plentifully in the past 25 years and replaced the potato farms of the old agricultural Long Island days.  These days, the beautiful settings on these vineyards and their sweet wine pair best with the quaint small towns full of local food and farm stands, along with plenty of charm.

North Fork, I’ll be back!

Hospitably Yours,